Home Tips


Look At My Face

How many times do we hear people say that children or adults with autism can’t look people in the eyes?  It is something that we hear frequently and yes this can be a challenge so I ask the question if it is hard, why do we force them to do it?  Especially if it is painful or uncomfortable.  We...
To Meltdown or Not to Meltdown No matter if your child has special needs or not we can all relate to the dreaded meltdown.  A full blown meltdown not only exhausts the child but the parent.  Dominic has really reduced his meltdowns but it doesn't make me forget his younger years.  I remember those times very well and there was...
No matter if you have a child with special needs or a "typical" child, we all dread a meltdown.  Especially when they are full blown and in public or around people that don't quite understand what is happening.  Below are tips on how to support a friend or family member during the time their child is having a meltdown. ...
A dear friend of mine was talking to me about an upcoming doctor's appointment for her son who has autism.  She was taking him to a new doctor and she was telling me about some of the steps she follows when she sees a new doctor for her son.  Below are a few tips she gave and some that...
A week ago, Ed and I were getting ready while the boys were downstairs playing.  I looked at him and asked him, "what do you think is the hardest part for you?"  He looked at me and then he realized I meant about having a child with autism.  I wasn't looking to start the day on a bad note,...

Is this ok to post?

I have been asked if my family approves of what I post on our blog.  The answer to this is very easy because I read every post before I publish it.  My family must all approve or I will not publish the blog post.  I feel it important for us all to agree since this is a window into...
Recently, we traveled to see family and Dominic was very excited for the trip.  He was analyzing the trip more than he would in the past and I quickly was questioning why he wanted to know what was going on, what time things were going to happen, and what we were taking.  I started to become frustrated with the...

Pick One Thing

  I have many people ask me what they can do to help their marriage during their journey.  I have often reflected on how Ed and I make it work.  There is a lot of discussion, prayer, and acceptance.  Also, we try to hear the perception each of us has on situations.  However, the one bit of advice I give...
This month, Ed and I are taking a cruise with our neighbors.  My parents will be watching the boys and we know that they will be in good hands.  People have asked us if we feel comfortable leaving the boys for the weekend.  We say, “absolutely!”  One we especially feel safe because they are staying with the parents at...

Don't miss

Our Family

Sibling Love and Water Slides

Blessings in the Air

He Said We Were Made for This

To Meltdown or Not to Meltdown

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Wishing to Have a Normal Day!

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Our Family

Sibling Love and Water Slides


Look At My Face

Blessings in the Air